More information about what we do

A simple non-invasive approach that quickly reveals the heart of the problem, where it originated and importantly why it hasn't been resolved. Each session reveals more and more insights ("a-ha's" or lightbulb moments) that move toward positive change and resolution that sees symptoms, fears, anxieties and vulnerabilities resolve for a stronger, healthier and happier you.

Awareness and understanding

"Healing is a matter of time, but it is also sometimes a matter of opportunity."

The first step toward resolution of any problem is awareness, followed closely by understanding. Often we describe problems via symptoms as this is the most obvious manifestation, however a question often asked by clients is "why?". Why doesn't the injury heal, why do I continue to have pain, why can't I move on, why can't I stop my panic attacks, why am I depressed, why did I get cancer, and so on. Once we understand and where our problems come from and how we arrived at where we are today i.e. how something that is unresolved manifests, this is where we truly start to move toward resolution.

Often we feel that despite our best efforts and intentions we are somehow subconsciously sabotaging or preventing ourselves from achieving what we would like from our health or even from our life. For some of us we know the path we need to take, we just can't take it. For others the path itself is obscured. We are often told to "just get over it" or "let it go and move on". Easier said than done (if we could we would) and sometimes even thinking differently or positively is not enough. The solution is not just at the conscious level but what lies beneath - the subconscious. This is where changes begin, action happens and the solutions are implemented. This is also where the unresolved stops us. Nothing to do with will power, intention or commitment, all of which happen in the conscious mind (although strategies in the area can definitely help) it is far more efficient and effective to communicate with the subconscious directly. Get the solution happening at a deeper level and then we see fundamental, life affirming change. At Easternview Resolve Clinic we offer the opportunity to clear away those limitations that are preventing you from living the life you want and having the health you want. Make an appointment today and experience the possibilities for yourself.

Symptoms vs. Solutions

Many natural health practitioners talk about getting to the "cause" of symptoms so how are we any different?  First let's look at what symptoms are.  They are the expression of a problem, the messenger saying something is wrong.  Treating symptoms is important in terms of managing them so they don't adversely affect our lives but removing or managing symptoms doesn't always solve the problem. The body will find another way to get the message out although we often don't connect different symptoms to the expression of the same problem.

So what does it mean to get behind the symptoms to the cause? For many practitioners it means applying a technique to the symptom to provide often temporary relief. Some claim to look behind the symptom(s) often looking for a biochemical, nutritional or an energy "cause". At Easternview we ask why - and keep asking why - until we find out what set that particular symptom pattern up in the first place and what triggers are maintaining it. Once this is resolved the body doesn't need to compensate for the problem by producing symptoms.

It is also a layered approach. Often we are spending so much energy managing the symptoms that we don't have enough to get to the bottom line and resolve the cause. Although this can happen within the session, for most of us a session will be making some space in the mind to work on the problem and move it towards resolution. It's a bit like a filing system with current files spread out across a desk waiting to be filed away into archive - a place where we don't need to think about them any more or spend any energy on them. If there is space to work, there is space to resolve. The more open files we have on the desk, the more energy we spend managing them while we try to work out where or how to put them away. It is when we are unable to file them away that we encounter problems. So what stops us?

Unresolved Stuff

When we experience trauma and unexpected shock or experiences in our lives we try to make sense of it, that is we try to understand what it means to us that this happened and weave that experience and understanding into the fabric of our lives. Like an autobiography, we are always "writing" our story from the moment we were conceived until the day we die. It's when we can't understand the meaning of these events that problems arise. Add some time to the mix and more layers of unresolved experiences and things become more problematic. Compounded if we start to worry that this experience might happen again and we then drop into a sustained fight and flight response.

Flight and Fight

Flight and fight is a primal reflex designed to help us survive. It is a physiological response that the brain uses in times of trauma and stress and is absolutely essential to our survival. We usually drop out of this response once the threat is resolved. However it is in times when we are unable to resolve the threat that we remain in a sustained flight and fight response which results in often significant health issues. Today's "threats" are far different from that of our ancestors. Instead of tigers or marauders, we have difficult sustained situations such as issues at work, relationship problems, unresolved childhood trauma, and many more. By resolving these issues we shift from merely survival to really living.

A new approach

By targeting the unresolved stuff we are able to directly influence the subconscious to "see" the solution.  While symptoms are important, to a Resolve Practitioner they are the signposts that point the way to where the problem is coming from as well as what the mind needs to resolve it and move on. 

Scientific advances

Our approach taps into significant recent advances in treating trauma and unresolved experiences and their psychological impact. Advances in the knowledge of how the brain can change itself allows us to apply the very latest scientific research in a unique and groundbreaking way.

Dynamic evolution

Constant and ongoing research and development into this exciting new natural therapy means that we aren't standing still - every new year brings new information that we can incorporate into what we do making it constantly evolving and offering better and better solutions each time.